
From the Concord Monitor: Legislators have put off deciding whether the second Monday in October needs a name change for this session. A bill that would have renamed Christopher Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day was retained in committee Tuesday, meaning it probably won’t be back this year. Read more here: https://www.concordmonitor.com/Indigenous-Peoples-Day-bill-retained-committee-sleeps-for-this-year-23595632 
The Borough Council voted unanimously Wednesday night not to replace the Columbus Day holiday with Indigenous Peoples’ Day, ending a debate that had started as a community discussion but quickly spread. Read more at this link: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/bergen/glen-rock/2019/05/08/columbus-day-glen-rock-nj-will-not-replace-holiday-with-indigenous-peoples-day/3651351002/  
An Overdue Apology to Italian-Americans Click link below to read more. https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-overdue-apology-to-italian-americans-11554761121
Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America — Grand Lodge of New York New York State Commission for Social Justice 2101 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore, NY 11710 516-785-4623 | www.nysosia.org   MEDIA ALERT Presentation of an Official Proclamation of Apology by the Mayor of New Orleans to the Italian American Community for America’s Largest Single...
San Jose Mercury News: ‘Opportunism, not logic, always seems to determine the targets of destruction.’ https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/03/14/hanson-stanford-among-those-waging-war-against-the-dead/
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