Time to Take Action

Italian American’s rightful celebration for Columbus the Explorer has always been understood in the wider context of humanity’s intrinsic desire to know. The undeniable truth is that the human spirit of exploration propelled the discovery of a new gateway to the Americas.

Our energized community is working to build stronger coalitions and defend our rights in this great country. We seek to preserve our heritage, celebrate the contributions of Italian Americans and honor the great achievements of Columbus. And we support a holiday for the recognition of indigenous people.

Sadly, five members of Congress from New York want to divide our communities by cosponsoring legislation to strike down Columbus Day and Italian American culture. This hurtful action must not move forward. Please join us today and call upon these lawmakers to drop the hate, seek the truth and withdraw their sponsorship of H.R. 5822.

All cosponsors

Angelo Vivolo
Columbus Heritage Coalition columbusheritagecoalition.org/ TenTruthsAndColumbus